Inclusive Leadership for a better world

Blended learning program

Inclusive Leadership for a better world

Blended learning program

Blended learning program


November - January



Target group

Online and at KLU Campus




2.950 EUR

Program Fee

What’s in it for you?

To make a giant leap in advancing inclusive leadership, we must align good intentions with positive impact.

Our program engages participants in productive, honest conversation about their leadership style, their work environment – ultimately highlighting what works and what doesn’t. We both create a community of practice for inclusive leadership.

Together, we drive inclusion and equality forward, fast.  


November 14th, 2024 - 9:30am – 4pm

November 28th & December 12th, 2024 - 9am – 12pm

January 15th, 2025 - 9:30am– 4pm

Learning outcomes and added value

  • Build a strong network of like-minded (aspiring) leaders while navigating your career and refining your personal leadership style. 
  • Learn effective strategies to support and advocate for others in your organization. 
  • Unleash the power of diversity by taking an important step toward creating a more inclusive environment. 


Duration: 4 days

  • November 14, 9:30am – 4pm at KLU Campus
  • November 28, 9am – 12pm online
  • December 12, 9am – 12pm online
  • January 15, 2025, 9:30am– 4pm at KLU Campus

Method: Blended learning program with in-person and online sessions including small group coaching and microlearning in addition to interactive workshops

Course Language: English

Faculty: Prof. Dr. Brooke A. Gazdag

Who will benefit most from this course?

  • Everyone is invited to join!  
  • We especially invite aspiring and established leaders in logistics, supply chain, and related fields who are ready to take their careers to the next level. 
  • Individuals committed to supporting and fostering inclusive leadership and workplace diversity. 

Registration fee:

  • €2.950,-


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Christoph Kiese

Solutions & Development Principal Executive Education

Get in touch with me, and I’ll help to find the best solution for you.

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